Online through VESi
This course, Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards, has been divided into four chapters. The organization of the course covers the rationale for and design of the Common Core State St..
Coping with Aggressive Behavior in the ClassroomThis course includes topics on violence, aggression in the classroom, youth gangs, aggression in sports and on television, how drugs and alcohol play a ..
This course will discuss why writing is important and why teachers should include writing as often as possible in all content areas. The course will also include practical applications for assessing a..
RTI is a process schools can and should use to help students who are struggling with academics or behavior. Even though RTI is primarily linked to special education and the early identification of lea..
Practical Information for the Classroom TeacherThis course is designed to help educators achieve a better understanding of infant and toddler mental health, child development, and strategies that can ..
Language Acquisition for ELL/ESL Students Language Acquisition for ESL Students was written to help teachers understand concepts and terms related to educating students whose first language is no..
This course is designed to help the learner gain a more comprehensive understanding of alcohol, drugs, and their influences in the classroom. It provides a contextual framework for understanding what ..
Designed to help the learner identify and effectively teach students affected by child abuse and/or neglect, this course covers how to recognize the signs of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, and..
This course helps teachers build genuine bonds between themselves and their students and between students and their classmates, to create “kindred classhomes” with a foundation of acceptance, respect,..
This course is designed to give the learner a new perspective on student behavior and effective tools to facilitate positive student change. Taught by Mick R. Jackson MS/ED, this course provides a dev..
Autism & Asperger’s Disorder, an interactive computer-based instruction course designed to help you achieve a better understanding of Autism and Asperger’s Disorder (now known as Asperger’s Syndro..
Geared primarily for professionals (e.g., regular or special educators, instructional assistants, school psychologists, counselors) serving children and youths presenting behavior problems in the ..
Geared primarily for professionals (e.g., regular or special educators, instructional assistants, school psychologists, counselors) serving children and youths presenting behavior problems in the scho..